Bleeding gums are one of the situations that we may encounter from time to time in our daily lives as a result of incorrect oral care practices. The reason for bleeding gums: It occurs when the inflammation caused by dental plaque, which occurs if the teeth and gums are not cleaned correctly and adequately, blocks the gum vessels and the blood that should remain inside leaks out.
What are the Possible Causes of Bleeding Gums?
1- Brushing teeth harshly and traumaticly
2- Not being able to use dental floss correctly
3- Wrong toothbrush choices
4- Inadequate oral care practices
5- Gingivitis
6- Vitamin deficiency due to malnutrition
7- Genetic predispositions
8- Untreated cavities
9- Blood diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia
How Do I Know If My Gums Are Healthy?
Gum bleeding may occur suddenly as a result of incorrect practices. However, this does not indicate that your gums are unhealthy or that you need treatment. It is possible to list the features that a healthy gum should have as follows:
It has a matte appearance.
It is dry rose and light pink in colour.
There is no pain, redness or swelling.
It has a firm consistency.
There is no bleeding during brushing and flossing.
It follows the contours of the tooth and is tightly wrapped around the tooth.
Should I See a Doctor for Bleeding Gums?
Bleeding gums are often a sign of dental problems. However, in some cases, it may occur due to acute trauma, such as improper brushing. You do not need to see a doctor for bleeding that occurs as a result of acute trauma. However, if the bleeding you experience is recurring, you should definitely consult a dentist.