What is Implant Treatment? In Which Cases Is It Applied?
What is Implant Treatment? In Which Cases Is It Applied? WHAT IS IMPLANT TREATMENT? Dental implants are defined as biologically compatible medical screws made of titanium. They are surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. In today's dentistry treatment applications, implant-supported restorations are primarily used in the treatment of aesthetics, function and phonation lost by patients. The bone establishes a tight bond with the implant surfaces and allows them to function like natural teeth. The bite and chewing functions provided with implant-supported fixed prostheses prevent bone resorption by stimulating the bone. In addition, with the use of
Tooth Brushing Techniques and Mistakes
How should the correct tooth brushing technique be? The most effective way to protect our teeth is to brush regularly and carefully. The tooth brushing process should take an average of 2 minutes and each tooth should be brushed 8-10 times. When brushing teeth, the junction of teeth and gums should be brushed especially. The aim is to remove food residues and bacterial plaque on the tooth surface. The first step in tooth brushing is to choose the right brush. The most suitable brush is nylon and medium hardness brushes. It is preferred that the head of the brush
What are the effects of smoking on oral health?
Cigarettes are a product that is used by many people today and although the damage they cause to the body is widely known, not much awareness has been created about its effects on oral health. It is known by many people that smoking causes diseases such as lung cancer. But did you know that it also causes cancer in the mouth, gums and throat? Sigara kullanımı kanser gibi ciddi hastalıklara kapı aralamak ile birlikte ağzınızın kötü kokmasına, dişlerinizin renk değiştirmesine, sararmasına ve hatta çürümesine dahi sebep olabilir. Sigara, içeriğindeki nikotin ile birlikte haz duygusunu harekete geçirir, dopamin
Why do gums bleed?
Bleeding gums are one of the situations that we may encounter from time to time in our daily lives as a result of incorrect oral care practices. The reason for bleeding gums: It occurs when the inflammation caused by dental plaque, which occurs if the teeth and gums are not cleaned correctly and adequately, blocks the gum vessels and the blood that should remain inside leaks out. What are the Possible Causes of Bleeding Gums? 1- Brushing teeth harshly and traumaticly 2- Not being able to use dental floss correctly 3- Wrong toothbrush choices 4- Inadequate oral care practices 5-